Taming the Carnivore, or, A Woman’s Place is in the Rebellion

I exist in a constant state of rebellion.  It takes different forms.  Sometimes I rebel against what I perceive as unjust or unfair rules placed upon me by my surroundings.   As an example, once upon a time I may or may not have walked around for several months with this hidden symbol on the back of my nametag.

A call to all fellow Tributes.


I can also be an instigator of said rebellion.  I may or may not have supplied others with just such a symbol to place behind their nametags, as a sign of our collective solidarity. Continue reading “Taming the Carnivore, or, A Woman’s Place is in the Rebellion”

I meant to Eat-Pray-Love… but I’m really just eating.

Oprah’s a beginner.   I LOVE ALL OF IT.   The joy I get from eating is unmatched by anything.  Dessert is my preserve-filled jam.  Cupcakes cause a burst of happiness in my heart chakra.  Ok so wait, let me back up…  I’m getting ahead of myself, and drooling on my keyboard.

Boston Creme Pie
Boston Creme Pie Cupcake – can you blame me?

3 weeks ago I took a crazy, scary leap of faith by quitting my job without having anything concrete to land on.  Continue reading “I meant to Eat-Pray-Love… but I’m really just eating.”