Are you a Reincarnivore, too?
As a modern-day mystic, I often feel caught between two worlds. I’m a free-spirit who’s lived many lifetimes, believes in esoteric alchemy, toting a bag of chakra-balancing crystals in my pocket. But I also crave structure, relieve stress by shopping, carry a Coach bag, and eat a juicy burger now and again (which may or may not be grass fed).
There are two sides to every mystic. Even after a lifetime of spiritual practice, I enjoy indulgences in my physical existence. These are the tales of a modern-day mystic, bouncing between technology and transcendental meditation.
I coined the term “reincarnivore” to encapsulate the dramatic duality I feel within myself. Perhaps these stories and adventures will ring true for you, too. If nothing else, they will hopefully bring you some laughter – the best magic there is.
I hope you enjoy.
Peace Profound.